Wednesday, November 19, 2014


This Video explains tides well: It especially is helpful with the parts about forces on the earth with vectors and explanation. It also has a really cool demonstration of the tides in the program he has. The forces are the most confusing in terms of where the force is in relation to the core and the water on the surface and this video helps with that.

Because the moon is closer to the sun it is the force causing the tides not the sun even thought the sun has more mass and is pulling harder on the earth. The Earth has a tidal bulge around it that is created by the moon and it creates high tides on each side of the moon and low tides on the adjacent sides.  The tides are caused by a difference in force from the moon because the distance is different at the two points relative to the center of the moon. There are six hours between each low and high tide ad 12 between high tides and 12 between low tides.So, there are two low tides and two high tides each day.
There are different kinds of tides according to where the sun is relative to the moon and earth. If the sun is in line with the moon and earth it is called spring tides and it makes the high tides higher and the low tides lower. If the sun is not in line it israther during a quarter phase of orbit, it is called a neap tide.

Right now the tides are low, but they will be high very soon. 
It is in between but soon it will be neap tides.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I enjoyed the video you posted! In the video, I loved the program the teacher used to provide a visual for his complex explanations. After reading your post, I found it interesting that there are two high and two low tides each day. It made me wonder, how is marine life affected by the change in tides? Overall I enjoyed your blog, but there are a few errors. Throughout the entire blog, I found mechanical errors such as forgotten spaces between words, misspelled words, and forgotten commas. No worries, they are easy fixes! In addition to mechanical errors, there are a few areas in which your explanations are unclear, incorrect, or missing. You do make it clear that it is the moon and not the sun causing the tides. However, it is unclear what the force is and why? You continue to state that the tidal bulge is created by the moon, but your explanations as to how or why are once again unclear. The information presented here is fairly confusing and oddly worded. I'd consider rephrasing your explanations. You then move on to state that " it creates high tides on each side of the moon and low tides on the adjacent sides." The visual you are trying to create is unclear. I would consider rephrasing it as, "it creates high or low tides on both the top, bottom, near, and far side of the earth." Finally, in your explanation for the difference between spring and neap tide there was an error in explanation and a missing explanation. It is the moon's position relative to the sun and the earth that causes the different types of tides, not purely the sun's position. Afterwards, you state that a neap tide occurs during the moon's quarter phase of orbit. However, everyone may not know what that is. In order to simplify it, I would state the neap tide occurs during a half moon. Now the information you are missing is that a spring tide occurs during a full or new moon. Finally, in the last section of the post, you do state whether the beach is experiencing a high or low tide. However, you forgot to explain how you know this.
